Sunday 3 June 2012

Rule 3

Okay i have gone a bit overboard today on the posts but its raining outside so what else am i gonna do?
this is the third and last one for today.

We all make mistakes.. that's why i made this blog to tell you mine and how i dealt with them and hopefully  stop a few people making the same ones i did.Today my "rules" are based upon relationships and love.

Trust is a big deal. Having trust in someone is the hardest and easiest thing for a person to do. There are many definitions of "Trust" in the dictionary. I picked "Trust is the ability for a person to rely on another person for strength and hope,it is to have the confidence in someone and to believe in them.

This isn't really a rule more of a warning.Trusting someone is hard . I myself have difficulty in trusting someone completely.Some would call me damaged goods. But Im not writing this to tell people my sob story. No I'm writing this to say Trust is like's precious and can be broke easily and sometimes cannot be repaired

Rule 3: Try to trust the people you love..if you can't there must be a reason for that for trust is the most important thing in a relationship without it , it will in the end fail.  

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